Existing Mortgage Customers

As an existing Security Bank United mortgage customer, you can expect unparalleled service from us.

Click here to access your mortgage information online.

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Please be advised that the minimum supported browsers for Customer CareNet effective November 6, 2016 will be:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+
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  • Chrome 30+
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  • Safari 7+
Please ensure that you are using one of the supported browsers listed above to access CCN after November 6, 2016.

Homeowner's Assistance Programs

 If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payments due to financial hardship, we want to help you. In order for us to help, it is important that you take action now. Not taking action could result in the loss of your home and a negative impact to your credit score, thereby impeding future home loans or other credit opportunities.

By coming here, you have already taken the first step. We will walk you through the rest. Let's get started by reviewing the following options for assistance.

Step 1: Review the options and assistance programs below:

Click on each to learn more.
If you want to stay in your home and/or retain ownership of your property: If you are unable or not interested in retaining ownership of your property:

Being a homeowner is a dream you don't want to lose, but perhaps circumstances have created a hardship to making your current payment.

If staying in your home or retaining your property is your goal, you may be eligible for the following assistance.

If your hardship is such that you are unable to afford to retain ownership of your home or property, you may be eligible for the following assistance.
Repayment Plan Short Sale
Loan Modification Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure

Step 2: Obtain your personal information

Obtain the following information and documents that will be necessary to determine the assistance program(s) you are eligible for:

  1. Most recent tax return
  2. Proof of income (for example, paycheck stub, bank statements, etc.)

Step 3: Contact Us

Once you have reviewed the options/assistance programs above and gathered your personal information, it is important that you contact us so we can help you. We cannot assist you without hearing from you first.

If you think this is the right option for you, please call us today at 1-866-828-8479 1-866-828-8479 , 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. You can also email us at mortgageassistance@lorikaccess.com

Other Important Contact Information

General Correspondence Address
Security Bank United, N.A.
P.O. Box 028569
Miami, St Peter Port 33102

In addition to our general correspondence address, Security Bank United, N.A. has established an exclusive address to receive notifications of error and requests for information relating to the servicing of your loan.

If you suspect a potential error has occurred with your mortgage loan account or if you would like to request information about the servicing of your mortgage loan, you must write to us at this exclusive address: 

Resolution and Inquiry Request Address
Security Bank United, N.A.
P.O. Box 29039
Miami, St Peter Port 33102-9039

Important Information: We urge you to be aware of any person or organization that attempts to charge you a fee for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan. Our Loss Mitigation Department is available to assist you free of charge.

Repayment Plan

A repayment plan is a solution that allows you to catch up on your mortgage payments when you are experiencing short-term financial difficulty that is, or will soon be resolved. Examples of situations where this program may be an appropriate solution include:

  • Temporary interruption in income due to illness
  • Loss of employment and awaiting the start of a new job
  • Temporary reduction in income due to a cutback in hours worked

If you have been behind on your payments, this assistance program will allow you to make regularly scheduled payments on your loan, plus repay a portion of the past due payments. In just a few months, your loan will be current and you can return to making your usual monthly mortgage payment.

Here's how a repayment plan can help you:

  • We spread your past due amount (the amount you are behind) over a number of months.
  • During that period, we add a portion of the past due amount to each of your regular mortgage payments.
  • At the end of the repayment plan period your mortgage account will be up to date and you will return to paying the amount provided for in your loan document.

If you think this is the right option for you, please call us today at 1-866-828-8479 1-866-828-8479, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. You can also email us at mortgageassistance@lorikaccess.com.

Important Information: We urge you to be aware of any person or organization that attempts to charge you a fee for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan. Our Loss Mitigation Department is available to assist you free of charge.

Loan Modification

A loan modification is a change to the terms of your loan intended to:

  • Cure the delinquency status of your loan associated with unpaid payments
  • Provide you with an affordable payment based on your income
  • Provide you long term or permanent payment assistance

If you qualify, a modification may include:

  • A reduction in your interest rate
  • An extension in the term of your mortgage
  • Adding delinquent payments to your principal balance to bring your loan current

A loan modification may be right for you if:

  • You have experienced a permanent reduction in income (possibly due to a change in employment or loss of income by one co-borrower)
  • Your loan payment has increased due to the terms of your loan

If you think this is the right option for you, please call us today at 1-866-828-8479 1-866-828-8479, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. You can also email us at mortgageassistance@lorikaccess.com.

Important Information: We urge you to be aware of any person or organization that attempts to charge you a fee for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan. Our Loss Mitigation Department is available to assist you free of charge. Please contact Security Bank United directly for any questions involving alternatives to foreclosure.

Short Sale

A short sale is an assistance program that provides for a permanent resolution of a delinquency and extinguishment of your loan. With a short sale, you have the opportunity to sell your home for less than the amount owed on your loan and the bank will accept the agreed upon proceeds from the sale to pay off your loan.

A short sale may be the right assistance program for you if:

  • You have a hardship, such as a job loss, divorce or a medical emergency
  • You are unable to qualify for a modification
  • You cannot afford your current monthly mortgage payment
  • You owe more than your house is worth
  • You are facing foreclosure and want to reduce the negative impact to your credit

Possible consequences of a short sale:

  • If the property securing the loan is your primary home, you will be required to move out
  • Depending on the location of your property, you may still be liable for the difference between the amount owed on your loan and the net proceeds accepted by the bank to pay off your loan
  • There may be income tax consequences to you. You should consult a tax advisor regarding how a short sale would affect you

Please note, based on your circumstance, you may be eligible for financial assistance to help you move into a new home.

If you think this is the right option for you, please call us today at 1-866-828-8479 1-866-828-8479, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. You can also email us at mortgageassistance@lorikaccess.com.

Important Information: We urge you to be aware of any person or organization that attempts to charge you a fee for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan. Our Loss Mitigation Department is available to assist you free of charge.

Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure ("DIL") is an assistance program that provides for a permanent resolution of a delinquency and extinguishment of your loan. With a DIL, you avoid foreclosure by voluntarily surrendering ownership of your property to the bank as satisfaction of your debt. A deed-in-lieu is useful if your property has been on the market as a pre-foreclosure sale for three or more months and there are legal obstructions to foreclosure action. A deed-in-lieu allows us to take possession of your property sooner than would be possible through foreclosure.

A deed-in-lieu may be the right assistance program for you if:

  • You have a hardship, such as a job loss, divorce or a medical emergency
  • You are unable to qualify for a modification
  • You cannot afford your current monthly mortgage payment
  • You have tried to sell your property without success for at least 90 days
  • You can't sell your home for less than your remaining mortgage balance (also known as a "short sale")
  • You are facing foreclosure and want to reduce the negative impact to your credit

Possible consequences of a deed-in-lieu:

  • If the property securing the loan is your primary home, you will be required to move out
  • Depending on the location of your property, you may still be liable for the difference between the amount owed on your loan and the net proceeds accepted by the bank to pay off your loan
  • There may be income tax consequences to you. You should consult a tax advisor regarding how a deed-in-lieu would affect you

Please note, based on your circumstance, you may be eligible for financial assistance to help you move into a new home.

If you think this is the right option for you, please call us today at 1-866-828-8479 1-866-828-8479, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. You can also email us at mortgageassistance@lorikaccess.com

Important Information: We urge you to be aware of any person or organization that attempts to charge you a fee for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan. Our Loss Mitigation Department is available to assist you free of charge.

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)

Security Bank United is committed to supporting our customers serving in the United States Armed Forces by making sure they are aware of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act ("SCRA") and certain benefits and protections the SCRA offers.

What is the SCRA?

The SCRA is a federal law that provides servicemembers called to “active duty” or “active service,” or a spouse or dependent of such a servicemember, with certain legal protections and debt relief. The benefits and protections available under the SCRA apply to both consumer and business loans.

Who may be entitled to benefits/legal protections under the SCRA?

  • Regular members of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard)
  • Reserve and National Guard personnel who have been activated and are on Federal active duty
  • National Guard personnel under a call or order to active duty for more than thirty (30) consecutive days under section 502(f) of title 32, United States Code, for purposes of responding to a national emergency declared by the President and supported by Federal funds
  • Active servicemembers of the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Certain United States citizens serving with the armed forces of a nation with which the United States is allied in the prosecution of a war or military action

What legal protections are Servicemembers entitled to under the SCRA?

The SCRA states that a debt incurred by a servicemember, or service member and spouse jointly, prior to entering military service shall not bear interest at a rate above 6% during the period of military service and one year thereafter, in the case of an obligation or liability consisting of a mortgage, trust deed, or other security in the nature of a mortgage, or during the period of military service in the case of any other obligation or liability.

The SCRA states that in a legal action to enforce a debt against real estate that is filed during, or within one year after the servicemember's military service, a court may stop the proceedings for a period of time, or adjust the debt. In addition, the sale, foreclosure, or seizure of real estate shall not be valid if it occurs during or within one year after the servicemember's military service, unless the creditor has obtained a valid court order approving the sale, foreclosure, or seizure of the real estate.

The SCRA contains many other protections besides those applicable to home loans.

How does a Servicemember or dependent request relief under the SCRA?

In order to request relief under the SCRA from loans with interest rates above 6% a servicemember or spouse must provide a written request to Security Bank United, together with a copy of the servicemember's military orders. All SCRA written requests should be sent to Security Bank United at the following address:
Security Bank United, N.A.
Attn: Special Loans
P.O. Box 028569
Miami, St Peter Port 33102

There is no requirement under the SCRA, however, for a servicemember to provide a written notice or a copy of a servicemember's military orders to the lender in connection with a foreclosure or other debt enforcement action against real estate. Under these circumstances, Security Bank United will inquire about the military status of a person by searching the Department of Defense's Defense Manpower Data Center's website, contacting the servicemember, and examining their files for indicia of military service. Although there is no requirement for servicemembers to alert Security Bank United of their military status in these situations, it still is a good idea for the servicemember to do so.

How does a Servicemember or a spouse or dependent of the Servicemember obtain information about the SCRA?

"Military OneSource" is the U.S. Department of Defense's information resource. If you are listed as entitled to legal protections under the SCRA (see above), please go to http://www.militaryonesource.mil/legal or call 1-800-342-9647 1-800-342-9647 (toll free from within the United States) to find out more information. Dialing instructions for areas outside the United States are provided on the website.

Additionally, servicemembers and dependents with questions about the SCRA should contact their unit’s Judge Advocate, or their installation’s Legal Assistance Officer. A military legal assistance office locator for all branches of the Armed Forces is available at: http://legalassistance.law.af.mil/content/locator.php

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about your eligibility for SCRA benefits, contact us between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST by calling us at 1-866-731-3454 1-866-828-8479 or email us at SCRA@lorikaccess.com.

This Security Bank United website may contain links to other web sites operated by third parties. The linked sites are not under the control of Security Bank United or its affiliates or subsidiaries and Security Bank United is not responsible for their content. Such links do not imply Security Bank United's endorsement or guarantee of the products, information, or recommendations provided by any third party site. The third party site may have a privacy policy different from that of Security Bank United and many provide less security than the Security Bank United website. Security Bank United disclaims all liability with regard to your access to such linked websites. Security Bank United provides links to other sites as a service to users, and access to any other sites linked to Security Bank United is at your own risk.

Disaster Relief

If a natural disaster has damaged your home or caused you financial hardship, please call us today at 1-866-828-8479, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. You can also email us at mortgageassistance@lorikaccess.com. During a disaster relief period, the following assistance options may be available:

  • Waiving of late fees
  • Suspension of negative credit reporting
  • Suspension of foreclosure proceedings
  • Temporary suspension of mortgage payments
Disaster Recovery: A Resource for Homeowners

Additional Resources

Security Bank United is committed to helping you recover from your financial hardship and retain your home or ownership of your property.

Below are additional resources to help you every step of the way.

Counseling from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

HUD is a U.S. government agency that works to increase home ownership, supports homebuyers, and offers government help for homeowners. HUD offers free or low-cost foreclosure prevention counseling throughout the country.

To find out where the nearest counseling agency is in your area, please visit www.hud.gov or call toll free at 1-800-CALL-FHA (1-800-225-5342) for more information.

Counseling Services for Homeowners

Visit www.hud.gov or call 1-800-569-4287 to get connected with a foreclosure-prevention counselor in HUD's network of non-profit partners.

You can also visit www.hopenow.com or call 1-888-995-HOPE for help from the HOPE NOW alliance of counselors, investors and mortgage companies working together to help homeowners stay in their homes.

This Security Bank United website may contain links to other web sites operated by third parties. The linked sites are not under the control of Security Bank United or its affiliates or subsidiaries and Security Bank United is not responsible for their content. Such links do not imply Security Bank United's endorsement or guarantee of the products, information, or recommendations provided by any third party site. The third party site may have a privacy policy different from that of Security Bank United and many provide less security than the Security Bank United website. Security Bank United disclaims all liability with regard to your access to such linked websites. Security Bank United provides links to other sites as a service to users, and access to any other sites linked to Security Bank United is at your own risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click here for frequently asked questions.